if you want to learn how to mkae layouts and do the codes yourself then u need to know html, css, photoshop,etc.
if not then u can google the codes you want and get layouts from different sites
How do you learn to code stuff on myspace like layouts or comment boxes or hidding things?
you can go to sites, like mygen.co.uk
they have generators for hiding stuff, making scroll boxes, and layouts.
if you want an overly, try googling bbz space.
How do you learn to code stuff on myspace like layouts or comment boxes or hidding things?
1.you have to be experienced in html or at least know some things about it.
it is good to first be able to tweak others' layouts;change the background, colors, fonts, and other things. to make layouts from scratch is more advanced, unless its something simple like a default layout. you can find blank layout codes, or stylesheets, on google or something. alot of things on the layout code require a color code, like 000000 or FFFFFF. (white or black) different colors have different codes. you can find a chart of every color by typing in "color code chart" on google.
2.you must also have a good program, like photoshop or photofiltre, and know how to use them.
3.hiding things is simple, you just type %26lt;style%26gt;.WHATEVERYOUWANTTOHIDE{display:no... when you put in what you want to hide, don't use spaces. for example, to hide your about me you type %26lt;style%26gt;.aboutme{display:none;}%26lt;/style%26gt;
4. start a site. make a layout site on myspace. have a good catchy name, it will make more people want to add you. make your signs(pictures) flashy so it will make more people want to add you also.
5.know the site "lingo".
s4s: support 4 support.
you will need a support code just something with a link to your site that has a sign and says click to add or something. someone will ask you or you will ask someone:"s4s?" then you will each go to the others site and get the support code, then post it in a bulletin. people will then click on it when they open the persons bulletin, and there you go, adds.
1k+, 2k+,3k+, etc.:
their friend count:1k=1000 friends, 2k=2000 friends, etc.
hiatus: a break. if i site says,"im on hiatus", that means they're taking a break from their site.
6. last but not least, you need to know how to make a link. it is the code i type the most out of anything. %26lt;a href="URL HERE%26gt;TEXT HERE%26lt;/a%26gt;
memorize it, its so much easier.
i really don't know anything about comment boxes. sorry.
hope this helps!
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